"That is my momma."
"No, she is my momma."
"She was my momma first!"
Now they play that with our youngest child too even though they are both over 20 years older than she is. I usually smile at their game until it gets to the point of, "She was my momma first." It is then that I point out the error in their thinking. I always tell them, God had a plan for all of us to be in this family long before He ever created the earth or space or time.
So reality is that I became your mommy all at the same time. God has just allowed for it to be revealed to us at different times. That always seems to put the teasing and even arguing to rest.
Thinking about that has reminded me of the way some adults think. I have had people ask me questions like this: How do your real children feel about your adopted child?
Is it hard to love your adopted child as you do your real children?
When things like this are said to me, I would like to tell you that I respond with love and grace, but the truth is that I have to wait for my head to stop spinning on my shoulders, calm down my inner Momma Grizzly Bear, breathe deeply and then do my best not to commit a felony.
I sometimes wonder about the faith of a person that would ask such a question. I want to ask them: "How big do you believe God to be? Is He confined to time or space or a womb that no longer exists? Is He confined by miles or oceans? Is He confined by nationalities or cultures or the color of our skin?"
Obviously the answer to all of these questions is "No!" God is not limited! There is nothing that He cannot accomplish!
Wow! That sounds like a great blog post until reality hits. That my faith is also limited, just in different areas.
Do I believe that God can:
Feed the world's hungry
Provide homes for the millions of orphans
Heal our nation
Bring lost and hurting people to life
Grow my church
Heal my sister-in-law
Suddenly I find that I am the one in need of Jesus refining my faith.
So I pray, "Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief." And give me the grace to help others in their unbelief as well.
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