Saturday, June 30, 2012

Who Am I?

This is an earlier post. I am doing a re-run to help new friends get to know me.
Not long ago I was ask to define what I believe to be my role as a Pastor/Elder's wife. The following is my answer to that question.

About 15 years ago I had a head injury that led to me having to reevaluate who I was and am.

What I discovered was that I had a wrong idea about who I was. I thought I was: Kat the wife, Kat the Mom, the Sunday School teacher, the worship leader, the choir member, etc…
When the injury happened I wasn’t able to do most of those things, and any of them very well. For Years!  I spent many days literally on my face in my kitchen floor crying out to God.  Through that experience God has taught me that I am NOT the things that I do.  And that MOST importantly who I am is His child.
I realized that even being Gene’s wife and my children's mom is all dependent on and greatly influenced by, my relationship as daughter to the King of Kings. When that relationship is progressing and good, all of the other relationships and roles in my life are more Kingdom honoring.  When I allow other things to get ahead of my relationship with Jesus Christ, everything else in my life suffers.

Ephesians 5:8-10
"For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth)  and find out what pleases the Lord."

I hope to live as a child of the Light who spends my life finding out what pleases my Father.

So in light of this, I see my role: to be an encourager out of the overflow of my relationship with Christ and to live as transparently as I know how. (You will never have to wonder what I think, just ask.) I believe that if I can encourage, extend grace, live with joy, live at peace (as much as it depends on me), be a faith-full woman and to love people to the best of my ability then I will be fulfilling my calling as a wife, mom, pastor's wife, AND for any other adventure that God may have for me.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Once Upon a Time

Years past
Young man, brown eyes, brown hair
Tall and handsome
You caught my attention

Time passes
Your gentleness, openness
You won my admiration

Your heart for God
You captured my heart

Infatuation grows to love
Love grows to commitment
Marriage begins
We become one

Learning to love
Leaving familiar
Excitement and wonder

Our Son
Oh the joy!
Tiny hands, dark eyes, dark hair
Watching you become Daddy

Love grows

Arguments and walls
Forgiveness and maturity
Commitment grows

Virginia home
Church family

Our daughter
Overwhelming joy!
Tiny feet, brown eyes, blonde hair
Daddy’s baby girl

Loving, living
Moments of pain
Of grief, heartache, loneliness
Lifetime of joy
Laughter, companionship, and adventure

Our daughter
Surprised and joy-full!
Waiting…Black eyes, black hair
Baba and baby

Time marches
Giving, loving
Grief, pain

Our daughter
Chosen by our son
Beauty and grace, brown eyes, black hair
Watching and learning from you
Blessed again with joy

New vision, new place
Precious, peaceful
Loving and being loved

Fulfill calling, inner peace
Pastor, Elder
Hope, encourage, love

My husband
My friend, my love
My mentor, coach, counselor
Pastor, provider
My hero

I am so grateful for you. God has blessed us far beyond our ability to imagine. I will thank God for you as long as there is breath in me.
I love you forever!