Sunday, August 5, 2012

On Missing Church

Today I am at home.

A few days ago I picked up some sort of virus that now has decided that it is rather happy and wants to stay and wreak havoc with my respiratory system. So here I am sitting in my bed instead of being in church.
Even though sleep was illusive last night, I got up early, got our four year old ready and sent her to church with her daddy.
After their departure, I decided to push through the fog of this annoying, unpleasant malady and get ready and go to church, too. I took a shower, put on make-up, and... that's it. By this point I am completely exhausted. Now I am very tired and sad as well.
I hate missing church. My four year old would be appalled to know that I used the word "hate", but in this instance it is true.
For my spiritual well-being I need the opportunity to worship corporately,to study the Bible with other people, to hear the Word of God preached by an anointed pastor, and have community with the family of Christ.
My heart is to be in fellowship with other believers. My soul needs the strong challenge of digging deep into the Word of God with accountability. I need to be involved in ministry with my church family reaching out with the Gospel to the world around us.
And my church needs me. Even though I am broken, messed up, and sinful, my church still needs me. Because I am a part of the body. I am needed or the body of my local church will not be whole. 
I love my church family because they know me and (for some crazy reason) they want to know me more. They love me.(Not completely sure about their sanity.) They laugh with me and some times, we all laugh at me. In my moments of grief since we have been here, they have loved me through it. They let me be me, but hopefully will not allow me to remain stagnant.

Hebrews 10:23-25
Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds,  not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another —and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
I need to be with my church family and they need me. But I'm guessing that for this one day, they will be glad that I am at home and not creating another hazardous material zone.


  1. Replies
    1. Love you too!!! I spent time yesterday reading Rick's blog from the Africa trip. I love being reminded of your family's passion for ministering the Gospel. You and Rick are inspiring to everyone you meet to continually be the hands and feet of Jesus. I miss you, my friend!

    2. On the same day you wrote this, I was reading Francis Chan's Forgotten God. He challenges us to follow where the Holy Spirit leads us and know that we're called to be where we're at. If we are, then our absence would surely be missed by our 'neighbors' and our church. (By the way, I love the synchronicity of our families, which only God could have choreographed so well.)

    3. Only God could, only God would! For His glory, for our benefit, for our joy, for His pleasure at our joy! Amen!

  2. Beautiful words my friend. Great reminders of why we all need our church family and why are needed by our church family. A good friend reminded me recently (you know who she is!!) what biblical community looks like. I think you've (she's) just described it quite well. Thanks for showing me so many times why living out Heb 10 is so important. We need each other! Thanks for sharing. Hope you feel better. Love you dear friend!
