Monday, August 19, 2013

Getting To Know You

The Cornett Family
We have 4 official children, One Texan, one from New York, one Virginian, and one from China. Gene is from Kentucky and I usually hail from the Mother Ship.

Our combined cultural heritage is: Native American, Scotch-Irish, German, Italian, Chinese, and Redneck.

Brown eyes dominate the Cornett family, but we have one set of green eyes that can strike fear in some of the brown ones.

We have three with dark brown hair, one light brown, one that we only guess at when purchasing the next box of Clairol and one gray turning loose.

There are three members with dark skin, two with light colored skin and one with a fairly severe farmer's tan.

Our personalities range from two mild introverts, two extroverts, one who would prefer a planet without people and one who is wild and loud enough to communicate with every person or rock on every planet in this galaxy.

All of us love to sing, though some members choose to never hold a microphone in their hands. Two of us don't need a microphone.

The whole family likes to watch movies. One of the family thoroughly enjoys the first five minutes of every movie we watch, then dreams their way through the story... beginning, middle and ending.

We all enjoy going on trips. One of us likes embarking on adventures so much they don't turn the engine off or put the car in park before getting out of it.

Our family is a family that loves to laugh. Some members are genuinely funny. Some are getting more humorous. One declares that they are pretty sure they are getting funnier all the time. The rest of the family agrees, though perhaps not for the same reason.

Most of us love to read. One of us loves to collect books in the event of ever having the chance to read them.

All of us like sports. Two of us have realized that our minds want to write checks that our bodies are just not able to cash.

Of all the differences and all the similarities, there are two common denominators that are the most important: one is that we love each other very much. We like each other. We look forward to the times we get to spend together.
The second is by far the most important: we all love Jesus Christ. We are choosing every day to be disciples (learners) and apostles (teachers) out of our love for our Lord. It is this bond that we hope to pass on for generations to come.

"Choose you this day who you will serve. As for me and my house we will serve The Lord." Joshua 24: 15

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