Monday, January 14, 2013

Torn Muscles and Enlarged Hearts

Every time I sit to write some thought provoking or at least semi-intelligent blog, I realize that I have no ideas that haven't been already expressed, no joys not previously celebrated, no griefs that are new, no trials that would surprise, no counsel unspoken. While that may leave me at a loss for words it also brings a strange since of comfort. 

I am hopefully nearing the end of my bout with the influenza virus and am finally feeling somewhat human again. This too has been an experience though most unpleasant and filled with moments of being downright painful is not new, and is in light of eternity, very temporary. There are so many things in this life that can be filed in this category: not new, not original, and temporary.
As Solomon says in Ecclesiastes, "There is nothing new under the sun." 

As I have contemplated these thoughts they have reminded me of biology. (That is just the way my mind works!) For those who wish to have a muscular body, there is a process that must happen. For muscles to be "built" they must be torn down first. Not just once but many times. Over and over. Tearing down then building up. What is odd about this process is that with with each tearing there is a new level of strength, of endurance that is built. In order to become a physically strong person, one must be willing to go through the long process of being torn down again and again. 

It is no surprise to find then to become a person of Christlike character a similar process needs to occur. I would guess that in most cases the end result would demand an even longer and more stringent process of tearing down and building up. The tendency of humans, certainly myself, is that with a temporary dose of the process the only thing that gets built is pride. Pride building up is a toxin that given time and freedom destroys its host. However, with trouble, sickness, heartache, loneliness, being misunderstood and other pain, we find that through the "tear down- build up" process our hearts, our souls, can become large. We can learn that there is Someone who has gone before us. One who has known every pain, every heartache, has known loneliness in a way we could never imagine. He, being God in the flesh, Jesus Christ, is in charge of our hearts, if we have given ourselves to Him. He is in charge of our hearts, minds, emotions, our very souls. So with every "tear-down" that He allows to enter our lives, there is a process in action to build us up. A beautiful building of strength and love and compassion that is enlarging our hearts for each other and for those who suffer and are in need. For those lonely and in pain. And with every enlarged heart there is a death-blow dealt to pride because we know that we would never ask for these lessons. They are a gift from the One who sees and knows everything. He knows that while we may see our circumstances as trials, He knows they have been allowed as "strength training."

My encounter with the flu has not been a great trial but it has led me to remember that while I have nothing original going on in my life, God Himself has very unique thoughts and plans for me. And those plans include things that will tear down, build up, strengthen, grow, and enlarge my heart. I will not invite hard things into my life, but I am praying that I will not run from the things that will serve to help me know Christ more intimately. 

                     "But that's not all! We gladly suffer,  because we know that suffering helps us to endure.  And endurance builds character, which gives us a hope  that will never disappoint us. All of this happens because God has given us the Holy Spirit, who fills our hearts with his love." (Romans 5:3-5 CEV) 

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